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Dia De Los Muertos Nicho (Purple)


    This is a custom laser cut wood nicho that measures approximately 3 3/4" x 8"x 2" (at the highest, widest and deepest points) with two doors that open and close. The entire piece has been painted with acrylic paint, the inside painted with black paint and varnished with a gloss finish. The inside of the nicho includes a painted calavera and two loose, white skulls! The nicho has been embellished with resin flowers, paper flowers, glass leaves, one satin purple marigold and a battery powered tea light. The nicho is light weight and the colors are vivid, clear and bright. The bottom of the nicho has been initialed and dated.

    The nicho is colorful, lively and looks great in person!


    The last photo shows the tea light on. Although it looks dim in the photo, it does light up nicely!

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